In an effort to jump start my posting, I'm going to go to my pet rant. Easy, yes, but today brought it home.
I hate rain. There is nothing in all of creation that I dislike more strongly than rain. I'm serious. I like earwigs and brussel(s?) sprouts more than rain. Well, I like the sprouts in their own right, but no matter. I have had baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse, and all kinds of other games canceled because of rain. I look forward to them for all week, and then one bit of rains wipes them out. My hair does annoying things when it rains. And most recently, what do I work with? Mail. Paper and things wrapped in paper and cardboard. And we're not supposed to let it get wet. Well how the dandyfarking whatisit am I supposed to do that? Ten people died this week because of rain. They died! They're not coming back. A gigantic tree (at least 40 feet tall) toppled in the courtyard of the apartments across the street from us. It broke things and cost people money. Your commute is longer because of rain.
Yet whenever I say "I hate rain," it's like I just dissed people's moms. No, that's not it. It's more like they're sticking up for an abusesive boyfriend/spouse. They like rain as a concept, as something completely separated from the part of their life that they actually live. They don't like driving, working, or doing other necessary things in it, but they love the rain. "He's really a nice guy, he just needs to learn a few things/has a hard time controlling himself/goes a little overboard sometimes, etc." No, you like him when you guys are in the rodeo clown position, and you somehow block out the part where he beats you with a bungie cord. You would like rain if it were somehow something you could experience on like a freaking holodeck. "I'm going to go get rained on now." It is but a shadow and a dream that you love; a shadow that screwed over ten people and they're families this last week. Hope you're happy, assholes. They're not.